Holter Monitor

What is a Holter Monitor?
A Holter monitor is a device that records the heart rhythm continuously as you go about your normal routine. The monitor can be worn for 1 to 7 days (depending on your referring doctor’s instruction).
How do I prepare for the test?
There is no special preparation required. However, wearing clothing that gives easy access to the chest is helpful. You should come as you are and eat or drink as you normally do. If you take medications, you should continue to take them as normal unless your doctor specifies otherwise. Make sure you shower before you start the test as you will not be able to do so while you are wearing a Holter monitor.
How much time the test will take?
Please expect to be at Synergy Heart Institute for 30 minutes to be fitted with a Holter monitor.
What happens during the test?
You will be fitted with a Holter monitor by our Cardiac Physiologist. Three self-adhesive patches will be attached to the skin on the chest. These are then connected by wires to the monitor. You carry the Holter monitor in a pocket or small pouch worn around your neck or waist. The monitor is battery operated. Our Cardiac Physiologist will start the monitor and tell you how to replace the electrodes should they fall off or become loose. It is very important for you to keep a diary of symptoms. The diary should include the date, time of day, type, and duration of symptoms. This will allow the Cardiologist to correlate symptoms with the ECG recording at that precise time. Our Cardiac Physiologist will also explain to you how to take off the monitor and how to return it to us.
What are the risks from the test?
There are no known risks from the test. Some patients are sensitive to the electrode adhesive, but no serious allergic reactions are known. If you have redness/itching or are uncertain please remove the electrode adhesive and contact us.
What happens after the test?
The Holter recordings will be submitted to our Cardiologist who is a specially-trained physician in reading these recordings. He or she will interpret the recordings and will then provide your physician with a written report